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If you are concerned about hair loss, then talk to one of experts to see how Hair Transplant can help you gain your confidence back.

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  • Karachi, Pakistan

Female hair transplantation is a surgical treatment that uses a variety of procedures and has a high success rate in women who are suffering from female pattern baldness.


The Procedure for Female Hair Transplantation

Unit follicular transplants are precisely implanted into bald or decreasing regions of the scalp, as well as recipient areas.

Depending on the severity of the balding, two to three surgeries may be required.

The transplanted hair is growing for the first 16-20 weeks following the treatment and for the rest of the patient’s condition.

After a hair transplant, what happens?

Pain relievers are medications that help with headaches, muscular aches, arthritis, and other aches and pains.

Antibiotics are drugs that are used to treat or prevent bacterial infections.

NSAIDs can reduce pain from illnesses like arthritis by lowering the number of prostaglandins in your body.

Get a free consultation call from us !

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